In addition to offering private lessons and workshops to the general public, the Saint Louis Center for the Alexander Technique offers a teacher training course for those who want to become Alexander Technique teachers and for those who want the experience of an intensive course of study.
How we use ourselves is the most important skill in being an effective AT teacher. The training course provides a supportive environment where each trainee improves their own use and gains a deeper understanding of the principles of the Alexander Technique. Trainees become comfortable with teaching procedures and start gaining the ability to use them as flexible teaching tools. Each trainee develops the skill to continue improving both in daily life and throughout their teaching career.
The course is a three-year, 1600-hour program. There is a maximum 5:1 student teacher ratio.

The majority of class time is spent on hands-on activities. Each trainee receives a daily mini-lesson or “turn.” We practice teaching procedures, including chair work, table work, applications, and the Dart Procedures. Procedures build in a methodical way, gradually building skills in each trainee. All procedures relate to and reinforce each other, our own good use and that of our students.
In addition to AT, topics included are anatomy, neurobiology, developmental movement, ethics and business practices. We have occasional field trips and guest speakers. Class atmosphere is structured yet informal. The environment is supportive, informative, experiential, challenging, and fun.
Students are required to work outside class. This includes weekly reading assignments, informal book reports, and practicing procedures. More generally, students are expected to be incorporating the principles of the Technique in daily life. Additionally, third year trainees are required to do supervised practice teaching. Once per year trainees do interactive presentations on subjects they relate to the Technique. Students generate topics ideas. Previous topics have included the application of the Technique to violin, voice, golf, and solving math problems.

Reading and DVD materials include: F.M. Alexander, Frank Pierce Jones, Walter Carrington, Pedro de Alcantara, Marjory Barlow, Robert Sapolsky, and Raymond Dart.
Graduates of the program at SLAT will be eligible for certification by the American Society for the Alexander Technique, AmSAT. AmSAT is a professional organization that meets international standards for the certification of teachers and teacher training. Teaching members follow a code of ethics and meet continuing education requirements.
Note: Although Katherine is available for private lessons and workshops, the teacher-training course is currently on hiatus.